Welcome To The Rambling Gardener

Which Way to the Zoo?

Which Way to the Zoo?

We have lived on this property for more than thirty years. Having eight acres all to ourselves is more of an escape than it used to be. Once upon a time, we could sight in a rifle in the front yard. Now we have neighbors. The time has come to only shoot handguns in...

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Can’t Go Home Again

Can’t Go Home Again

Today, June 19, 2021, Mr. K and I drove to Edgefield. This is my home town. My most favorite memories reside at an old house on Plumbranch Road. Edgefield, established in 1785, is located in Edgefield County. Their claim to fame is that Edgefield is The Home of Ten...

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Winding Down

Winding Down

April, 2021 is winding down. These photos will be just a gentle reminder of what this time and season came to be in the yard. There are three iris pictures here. They are just a few of the ones that I went and dug up in my ugly shoes. So, after a three-year wait,...

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