The Search For Spring

The Search For Spring

I am ready for Spring. I’ve already worn my flip-flops to see if they still fit. (They do.) More daffodils are pushing their way upward to the light. Tiny slips of green are awakening iris. The nubs on my flowering almond are hard to see, but they are just...
Baby Peaches

Baby Peaches

As of April 11, 2022 there are officially baby peaches on my tree! It’s been a very long wait. I thank the Lord and Irish Spring. Now, say a prayer there will be plenty to share. If you like free-stone peaches; that’s what is growing. You can tell by the...
Is It Spring Yet?

Is It Spring Yet?

February 2022 fades into the past as we turn the page on the wall calendar. The following month marches forth with all the promise of Spring here in South Carolina. It’s always a blessing to see the yard coming alive with the yellow of daffodils and the annual...

Dear Aunt Milly – March 2021

The daffodils are up, the forsythia is barely yellow as the new green leaves rush forward to embrace the warmer weather. My peach tree has several blooms and the battle begins anew. The deer and the frost have eaten or killed every chance I’ve had for three...