She came to us on May 28, 2020. I wasn’t looking for another dog. Our last canine companion was a Jack Russel. She was three years old when she came to us and could jump straight up; typical with the Jack Russel. It was as though she had a spring in her back end. Bounce! Bounce! And she was, what we called, “self-winding”. Her name was Dixie and was nine years old when she developed cancer. 🙁

Years later I got a text on my phone with a picture of this little Rat Terrier who we would name “Cricket”. Mr. K and I looked at this image and I thought, “How can you say ‘no’ to this face?” She came with her toys and a crate and a few clothes. Her tail had been docked into extinction. 🙁 I miss the tail. Every dog deserves the ability to wag their tail.

I made a video of her trying to play with her reflection in the mirror. There were no spots on her tummy, but she would develop so many spots you’d think her dad was a leopard. She now has slight spots in her fur and even the pads on the bottom of her feet have spots. But when she comes home with pink and green spots, I know she’s been next door playing with my neighbor’s granddaughter and rolling in the chalk. (I’ve had to use a shorter video and this one doesn’t show her rolling over.)

This photo is her first trip to Pet Smart. We discovered she liked to ride in the sunshine. We bought her a collar. She was so tiny, we had to buy a cat collar because all the dog collars were just too big. She was small enough to fit in the cup holder. She was truly the size of a squirrel, without the tail.

Pretty in pink. We love Aunt Shirley!

Cricket became a Daddy’s Girl from Day One. This photo shows her curled up asleep on Mr.K’s lap.

One of her favorite positions for taking a nap was to lean into the space between Mr. K and the arm of the love-seat. She still tries to squeeze into that space as though she were still a two-pound puppy.

I will try not to post too many photos but honestly, isn’t this dog just the most photogenic fur baby you’ve ever seen? (grin)

As you can see from that sweet little face at the very top, she sleeps with us now. For whatever reason; “potty training” got a LOT easier once she started sleeping in our bed. Those first few weeks….argh!!! I got very tired of cleaning up puppy pee. And who knew that puppy poo could smell so bad?! How could anything so small generate so much poo?!

I, for one, am glad she can’t drink out of the toilet. This is mainly because she just can’t reach it. She will, however, hop over into the garden tub and lick the faucet which is her way of saying, “Turn it on.” We turn the faucet and let water run into the tub and she laps it up. Never mind that we keep fresh water in her bowl.

This is her taking a nap on a pile of lumber we used to build a new deck. She was tuckered out from all her “helping”. Let’s pray the price of lumber comes back down.

She loves to dig. If only I could teach her the difference between weeds and flowers. (sigh)

Until next time, there may be another chapter of the Cricket Chronicles. Goodness knows, I have the photos! Y’all have a blessed day. Feel free to send me photos of your fur baby. And also send me some feedback on the video. I’ve set up a Vimeo account but have yet to figure out how to post a video that’s been uploaded to Vimeo. Lord, this learning curve is giving me gray hair!!