They never bloom long enough. The azalea bush seems to capture something iconic in this place in South Carolina. Southern culture. Southern charm. A Southern way of life. I’ve stood and gazed at mass plantings of azaleas and half expected to see Scarlett O’Hara making an appearance.
One or two of my bushes actually had a fragrance. I’ve never known an azalea to be lightly scented. It was an unexpected surprise.

The colors that dance across my yard are never boring; except maybe the white azalea, which is my least favorite. Various shades of pink/lavender and the overlooked white. If you ever see an orange azalea, let me know. Someone special is looking for an orange one. I happen to know she and her husband have recently installed a Clemson orange door on the front of their home. Y’all understand about Clemson people. Us Carolina people have to cut ’em some slack. (cheeky grin)

The colors come and go and the seasons move forward. My sister named this one: Sunset Iris. I can’t get enough of it. ha ha
The forsythia has long since faded and the daffodil greenery is drooping and will soon be gone.

My huge planter is shaping up. We bought it at Tractor Supply. I took my time thinking what to plant in this thing. There are daffodil bulbs down in there. The cost of the planter and the cost of dirt were more than I’d planned to spend. I am THOROUGHLY enjoying it!

There is Sweet William standing at the back and I found some wild violets in the yard. I love the purple flowers and the heart-shaped leaves.
Marigold seeds will soon be popping up. The variety I wanted didn’t seem available and I got tired of looking. Seeds became my best option. The only plant I actually bought was vinca. The creeping phlox, sweet william, violets and bulbs all came from a little digging on my part. My mind has a plan but Mother Nature has a purpose. We shall see how it comes out.

This solar light was a spontaneous decision. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but the light wasn’t being used anywhere else, so I thought, “Why not?”
Perhaps the best part of this huge planter — no bending to pull weeds! Honestly — the older I get, the more I appreciate container gardening. With eight acres here, there’s plenty of room for all sorts of plants, but being able to weed and water them is whole “other” thing.

Enjoy the warm days. Take a stroll outside or visit a park where possible. This season will pass all too quickly and once again we will complain about the cold.
Be blessed, my friends.
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